#10to1m | From £10 to £1 million

What effect would switching £10 to a local business have on the North Devon economy?

If one person does it, that would inject £10 back locally. If 100 people did it, that be £1,000. What if 100,000 of the 162,000 people in North Devon Torridge switched, that would make £1 million.

We’ve launched the #10to1m campaign to encourage as many people as possible in North Devon to switch more spending to local businesses.

Buy local to

  • Support businesses in the area so they thrive
  • Maintain and create jobs for local people in local businesses
  • Re-inject money back into the local economy to keep our towns and villages alive
  • Reduce the environmental impact of internet shopping so there are fewer vans clogging up the A361 Link Road and less packaging required for individual deliveries.

How can you make a difference?

  • By changing your personal and business purchasing habits and asking where you can buy products or services locally
  • Sharing your local purchases on social media with the #10to1m hashtag
  • Register for initiatives such as Small Business Saturday.

Visit 10to1m.co.uk to start now!

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